DltDaemonFlags Struct Reference

#include <dlt-daemon.h>

Data Fields

int aflag
int sflag
int xflag
int vflag
int dflag
int lflag
int rflag
int mflag
int nflag
char evalue [NAME_MAX+1]
char bvalue [NAME_MAX+1]
char yvalue [NAME_MAX+1]
char ivalue [NAME_MAX+1]
char cvalue [NAME_MAX+1]
int sharedMemorySize
int sendMessageTime
char offlineTraceDirectory [DLT_DAEMON_FLAG_MAX]
int offlineTraceFileSize
int offlineTraceMaxSize
int offlineTraceFilenameTimestampBased
int loggingMode
int loggingLevel
char loggingFilename [DLT_DAEMON_FLAG_MAX]
int sendECUSoftwareVersion
char pathToECUSoftwareVersion [DLT_DAEMON_FLAG_MAX]
int sendTimezone
int offlineLogstorageMaxDevices
char offlineLogstorageDirPath [DLT_MOUNT_PATH_MAX]
int offlineLogstorageTimestamp
char offlineLogstorageDelimiter
unsigned int offlineLogstorageMaxCounter
unsigned int offlineLogstorageMaxCounterIdx
unsigned int offlineLogstorageCacheSize
char userPipesDir [NAME_MAX+1]
char daemonFifoName [NAME_MAX+1]
unsigned int port
char ctrlSockPath [DLT_DAEMON_FLAG_MAX]
int gatewayMode
char gatewayConfigFile [DLT_DAEMON_FLAG_MAX]
int autoResponseGetLogInfoOption
int contextLogLevel
int contextTraceStatus
int enforceContextLLAndTS

Detailed Description

The flags of a dlt daemon.

Definition at line 87 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Field Documentation

int DltDaemonFlags::aflag

(Boolean) Print DLT messages; payload as ASCII

Definition at line 89 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_process_user_message_log(), and option_file_parser().

int DltDaemonFlags::autoResponseGetLogInfoOption

(int) The Option of automatic get log info response during context registration. (Default: 7)

Definition at line 128 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_process_user_message_register_context(), and option_file_parser().

char DltDaemonFlags::bvalue[NAME_MAX+1]

(String: Baudrate) Serial device baudrate (Default: 115200)

Definition at line 99 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_init_serial(), and option_file_parser().

int DltDaemonFlags::contextLogLevel

(int) log level sent to context if registered with default log-level or if enforced

Definition at line 129 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_client_process_control(), dlt_daemon_local_init_p2(), and option_file_parser().

int DltDaemonFlags::contextTraceStatus

(int) trace status sent to context if registered with default trace status or if enforced

Definition at line 130 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_client_process_control(), dlt_daemon_local_init_p2(), and option_file_parser().

char DltDaemonFlags::ctrlSockPath[DLT_DAEMON_FLAG_MAX]

Path to Control socket

Definition at line 125 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_local_cleanup(), dlt_daemon_local_connection_init(), and option_file_parser().

char DltDaemonFlags::cvalue[NAME_MAX+1]

(String: Directory) Filename of DLT configuration file (Default: /etc/dlt.conf)

Definition at line 102 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by option_file_parser(), and option_handling().

char DltDaemonFlags::daemonFifoName[NAME_MAX+1]

(String: Filename) name of local fifo (Default: /tmp/dlt)

Definition at line 123 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_init_fifo(), dlt_daemon_local_cleanup(), and option_handling().

int DltDaemonFlags::dflag

(Boolean) Daemonize

Definition at line 93 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_local_init_p1(), and option_handling().

int DltDaemonFlags::enforceContextLLAndTS

(Boolean) Enforce log-level, trace-status not to exceed contextLogLevel, contextTraceStatus

Definition at line 131 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_client_process_control(), dlt_daemon_local_init_p2(), and option_file_parser().

char DltDaemonFlags::evalue[NAME_MAX+1]

(String: ECU ID) Set ECU ID (Default: ECU1)

Definition at line 98 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_client_process_control(), dlt_daemon_local_init_p2(), dlt_daemon_process_user_message_log(), and option_file_parser().

char DltDaemonFlags::gatewayConfigFile[DLT_DAEMON_FLAG_MAX]

Gateway config file path

Definition at line 127 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_gateway_init(), and option_file_parser().

int DltDaemonFlags::gatewayMode
char DltDaemonFlags::ivalue[NAME_MAX+1]

(String: Directory) Directory where to store the persistant configuration (Default: /tmp)

Definition at line 101 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_local_init_p2(), and option_file_parser().

int DltDaemonFlags::lflag

(Boolean) Send DLT messages with serial header

Definition at line 94 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_local_init_p2(), dlt_gateway_init(), and option_file_parser().

char DltDaemonFlags::loggingFilename[DLT_DAEMON_FLAG_MAX]

(String: Filename) The logging filename if internal logging mode is log to file (Default: /tmp/log)

Definition at line 111 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by main(), and option_file_parser().

int DltDaemonFlags::loggingLevel

(int) The logging level for internal logging of dlt-daemon (Default: 6)

Definition at line 110 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by main(), and option_file_parser().

int DltDaemonFlags::loggingMode

(int) The logging console for internal logging of dlt-daemon (Default: 0)

Definition at line 109 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by main(), and option_file_parser().

int DltDaemonFlags::mflag

(Boolean) Sync to serial header on serial connection

Definition at line 96 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_process_client_messages_serial(), and option_file_parser().

int DltDaemonFlags::nflag

(Boolean) Sync to serial header on all TCP connections

Definition at line 97 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_process_client_messages(), dlt_daemon_process_control_messages(), and option_file_parser().

unsigned int DltDaemonFlags::offlineLogstorageCacheSize

Max cache size offline logstorage cache

Definition at line 121 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by option_file_parser().

char DltDaemonFlags::offlineLogstorageDelimiter

(char) Append delimeter character in offline logstorage filename

Definition at line 118 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_logstorage_write(), and option_file_parser().

char DltDaemonFlags::offlineLogstorageDirPath[DLT_MOUNT_PATH_MAX]

(String: Directory) DIR path to store offline logs

Definition at line 116 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by main(), and option_file_parser().

unsigned int DltDaemonFlags::offlineLogstorageMaxCounter

(int) Maximum offline logstorage file counter index until wraparound

Definition at line 119 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_logstorage_write(), and option_file_parser().

unsigned int DltDaemonFlags::offlineLogstorageMaxCounterIdx

(int) String len of offlineLogstorageMaxCounter

Definition at line 120 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_logstorage_write(), and option_file_parser().

int DltDaemonFlags::offlineLogstorageTimestamp

(int) Append timestamp in offline logstorage filename

Definition at line 117 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_logstorage_write(), and option_file_parser().

char DltDaemonFlags::offlineTraceDirectory[DLT_DAEMON_FLAG_MAX]

(String: Directory) Store DLT messages to local directory (Default: /etc/dlt.conf)

Definition at line 105 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_client_send(), dlt_daemon_local_cleanup(), dlt_daemon_local_init_p2(), dlt_daemon_process_user_message_log(), and option_file_parser().

int DltDaemonFlags::offlineTraceFilenameTimestampBased

(int) timestamp based or index based (Default: 1 Timestamp based)

Definition at line 108 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_local_init_p2(), and option_file_parser().

int DltDaemonFlags::offlineTraceFileSize

(int) Maximum size in bytes of one trace file (Default: 1000000)

Definition at line 106 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_local_init_p2(), and option_file_parser().

int DltDaemonFlags::offlineTraceMaxSize

(int) Maximum size of all trace files (Default: 4000000)

Definition at line 107 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_local_init_p2(), and option_file_parser().

char DltDaemonFlags::pathToECUSoftwareVersion[DLT_DAEMON_FLAG_MAX]

(String: Filename) The file from which to read the ECU version from.

Definition at line 113 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_local_ecu_version_init(), and option_file_parser().

unsigned int DltDaemonFlags::port

port number

Definition at line 124 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_local_connection_init(), and option_handling().

int DltDaemonFlags::rflag

(Boolean) Send automatic get log info response during context registration

Definition at line 95 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_process_user_message_register_context(), dlt_daemon_process_user_message_unregister_context(), and option_file_parser().

int DltDaemonFlags::sendECUSoftwareVersion

(Boolean) Send ECU software version perdiodically

Definition at line 112 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_process_client_connect(), dlt_daemon_process_sixty_s_timer(), main(), and option_file_parser().

int DltDaemonFlags::sendMessageTime

(Boolean) Send periodic Message Time if client is connected (Default: 0)

Definition at line 104 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_local_init_p2(), and option_file_parser().

int DltDaemonFlags::sendTimezone

(Boolean) Send Timezone perdiodically

Definition at line 114 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_process_client_connect(), dlt_daemon_process_sixty_s_timer(), main(), and option_file_parser().

int DltDaemonFlags::sflag

(Boolean) Print DLT messages; payload as hex

Definition at line 90 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_process_user_message_log(), and option_file_parser().

int DltDaemonFlags::sharedMemorySize

(int) Size of shared memory (Default: 100000)

Definition at line 103 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_local_init_p2(), and option_file_parser().

char DltDaemonFlags::userPipesDir[NAME_MAX+1]

(String: Directory) directory where dltpipes reside (Default: /tmp/dltpipes)

Definition at line 122 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_local_init_p1(), and option_handling().

int DltDaemonFlags::xflag

(Boolean) Print DLT messages; only headers

Definition at line 91 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_process_user_message_log(), and option_file_parser().

char DltDaemonFlags::yvalue[NAME_MAX+1]

(String: Devicename) Additional support for serial device

Definition at line 100 of file dlt-daemon.h.

Referenced by dlt_daemon_close_socket(), dlt_daemon_init_serial(), main(), and option_file_parser().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: